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Finding your purpose and passion in life can be a challenging journey, but it's a journey that's well worth taking. When you discover your purpose and passion, you'll find a sense of fulfillment, motivation, and direction that will guide you towards a more meaningful and rewarding life. Here are five steps that can help you find your purpose and passion in life:

1. Reflect on your values and beliefs

Your purpose and passion are often tied to your core values and beliefs. Take some time to reflect on what matters most to you in life. What are your values and beliefs? What motivates you and gives you a sense of purpose? Consider writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to help you clarify your values and beliefs.

2. Explore your interests and hobbies

Your interests and hobbies can be a clue to your purpose and passion. What activities do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? Consider exploring new interests and hobbies to broaden your horizons and find new passions.

3. Identify your strengths and talents

Your strengths and talents are often tied to your purpose and passion. What are you good at? What skills do you possess? Consider taking a strengths assessment test to help you identify your unique strengths and talents.

4. Volunteer or try new experiences

Volunteering and trying new experiences can be a great way to discover your purpose and passion. Consider volunteering for a cause that you care about or trying a new activity that you've always been curious about. These experiences can help you gain new insights into what matters most to you.

5. MOST IMPORTANTLY - Set goals and take ACTION

Once you've gained a clearer sense of your purpose and passion, set goals that align with your values, interests, and strengths. Take action towards achieving those goals, even if it's just taking small steps. Celebrate your successes along the way, and don't be afraid to pivot or adjust your goals as you gain new insights and experiences.

Finding your purpose and passion is a journey that requires self-reflection, exploration, and action. By reflecting on your values and beliefs, exploring your interests and hobbies, identifying your strengths and talents, volunteering or trying new experiences, and setting goals and taking action, you can discover a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Remember, this journey is unique to each individual, and it's important to stay open and curious along the way.


Finding Purpose

The middle class has long been regarded as the backbone of the economy, but it's increasingly becoming a failing class. People who fall into this category are often stuck in a cycle of working to ​pay bills, with little or no savings for emergencies, retirement or investment. Here's why the middle class is failing, and how you can break out of it.

Lack of control over money

Middle-class individuals are often stuck in jobs that pay just enough to make ends meet, with little or no savings to invest in assets that generate passive income. This makes them vulnerable to ​financial shocks such as medical emergencies, job losses, or other unexpected expenses. By taking control of your finances and investing in assets that generate passive income, you can break free ​from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and build a solid financial foundation.

Small goals

The middle class is often content with setting small, achievable goals rather than striving for larger ones. While this might give them a sense of comfort and security, it doesn't provide the ​motivation or challenge to achieve true success. By setting bigger goals, you can push yourself to achieve more than you ever thought possible.


Many middle-class individuals are comfortable with their current lifestyle, which can lead to complacency and a lack of motivation to achieve more. However, comfortability can also lead to ​stagnation and a failure to adapt to changing circumstances. By stepping out of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks, you can achieve greater success and a more fulfilling life.

Unwillingness to confront reality

Middle-class individuals often have a mindset that limits their potential. They believe that success is reserved for a select few, and that the system is rigged against them. However, this is a limiting ​belief that can prevent them from achieving their goals. By confronting reality and recognizing that success is available to anyone who is willing to work hard and persevere, you can break free ​from this limiting mindset and achieve your goals.

Lack of exposure to successful people

The middle class often has limited exposure to successful individuals who can inspire and motivate them to achieve more. By surrounding yourself with successful people, you can gain valuable ​insights, knowledge, and support to help you achieve your goals.

To break out of the middle class, it's essential to set unreasonable goals, over commit, and take massive action. By embracing this mindset, you can break free from limiting beliefs, take control of ​your finances, and achieve greater success than you ever


Would you rather enjoy life or create a life you can enjoy?

Today is my birthday and I wanted to share with you what I plan to accomplish over the next 365 days.

1. Establish roots of financial and time freedom

This goal will allow me to have the resources and flexibility to pursue other objectives. Financial freedom means having enough passive income to cover my expenses, while time freedom means ​having the time to do what I want, when I want it. These two freedoms are essential for living a fulfilling life, and achieving them will require discipline, hard work, and a long-term perspective.

2​. I am going to push to be the superhero that Kai looks up to every day

T​his is a beautiful goal that speaks to the heart of what it means to be a parent. Being a superhero to your child means being a positive role model, someone they can trust, rely on, and look up to f​or guidance and inspiration. It also means being present in their lives, spending quality time with them, and showing them that they are loved and valued.

3​. Coaching Business

T​his week I head to Aventura, FL to become a Grant Cardone Licensee Certified Coach. My coaching business helps dads become the superhero their kids deserve. This is an exciting opportunity to us​e my experience to make a difference in the lives of others. My mission is to help dads become better parents, husbands, & create a life of abundance by drawing out their extraordinary abi​lities, confidence, and conviction. This will have a ripple effect that will benefit not only their children but also their communities and society at large.

4. Double our re​n​tal portfolio

Real estate inves​ting is a proven way to build wealth and generate passive income. By adding more rental properties to our portfolio, I will be able to increase my cash flow and accelerate my journey towards f​inancial & time freedom.


I am striving to ​to cross over the one million dollar net worth line. This is an ambitious goal that will require a combination of smart investing, frugality, and entrepreneurship. It's an excellent goal to have, as it wi​ll allow me to have the resources and security to pursue my passions and give back to others.

I challenge you ​n​ot only to set your January 1 - December 31 goals, but to also set goals on your birthday. By setting goals & putting action behind them, you will have a life of abundance.

Be Great



Birthday Special - 365 Goals

Are you living up to your full potential? Are you doing everything you can to be the best version of yourself? Let's explore what it means to live up to your full potential.

Parents: Are you Superhero's to your kids?

As a parent, you are your child's first role model. They learn from watching you, and it's important to set a good example. One of the ways you can do this is by living up to your full potential. Are ​you proud of where you are now? Are you a superhero to them, or do you want more? These are important questions to ask yourself and your partner.

If you are satisfied with where you are at now, that's great! But if you feel like you can do more, it's important to take action. This can mean pursuing a new career, starting a side hustle, or even ​going back to school. Whatever it is, your children will see your effort and determination, and it will inspire them to do the same.

Relationships: Are You THAT Power Couple or Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

If you are in a relationship, you and your partner should be working together to live up to your full potential as a couple. Are you becoming a super couple, or are you living paycheck to paycheck? ​This can be a difficult question to answer, but it's important to be honest with yourself.

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, it's important to take steps to improve your financial situation. This can mean creating a budget, stop buying "stuff" that doesn't serve you, or finding ways to ​increase your income. By doing this, you and your partner can work together to achieve your financial goals and live up to your full potential as a couple.

Ridin’ Solo: Do you want more?

If you are single, you may feel like you have more freedom to pursue your goals and live up to your full potential. But it's important to ask yourself if you are satisfied with where you are at in your ​financial journey or if you can create more.

If you are satisfied, that's great! But if you feel like you can create more, again it comes down to action. This can mean pursuing a new career, starting a business, or even investing in yourself. By ​doing this, you can create the financial stability you need to live up to your full potential and achieve your goals.

Living up to your full potential is something that everyone strives for. Whether you are a parent, in a relationship, or single, there are steps you can take to achieve your goals and become the best ​version of yourself. By being honest with yourself and taking action, you can create the life you want and inspire others to do the same.

Be Great




In life, we all have things we want to achieve, but sometimes we find ourselves stuck and unable to take the necessary steps to make progress. There are many reasons why this happens, but fear, ​excuses, and criticism are three common factors that can hold us back.

Fear is a natural emotion that can help protect us from danger, but it can also be paralyzing. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, and fear of success are just a few examples of ​the types of fear that can prevent us from taking action. When we are afraid, we may hesitate or avoid taking risks, which can keep us from achieving our goals.

Excuses are another factor that can prevent us from taking action. We all make excuses from time to time, whether it's blaming our lack of time, resources, or skills for our inability to achieve our ​goals. However, as Grant Cardone says, "Excuses are NEVER the reason why you did or didn't do something. They are the revision of the facts that you make up in order to help yourself feel better ​about what happened or didn't."

When we make excuses, we are essentially giving ourselves permission to fail or not even try. This negative self-talk can hold us back and prevent us from achieving our full potential.

Criticism is the third factor that can prevent us from taking action. Whether it's the fear of being criticized by others or our own self-criticism, negative feedback can be discouraging and ​demotivating. When we feel criticized, we may become defensive or avoid taking action altogether.

You can choose to do 1 of 4 things in your life while pursuing excellence:

The first degree of action, Do Nothing, is self-explanatory. It's when we choose not to take any action and accept the status quo.

The second degree of action, Retreat, is when we take a step back and reassess our situation. We may need to regroup, gather more information, or adjust our approach before moving forward.

The third degree of action, Normal levels of action, is when we take action but only enough to maintain the status quo. This is when we do what is expected of us but not necessarily more.

The fourth and final degree of action, Massive Action, is when we take bold, decisive, and relentless action to achieve our goals. It's when we push past our fears, ignore excuses, and rise above ​criticism to create the results we want.

Fear, excuses, and criticism can hold us back from achieving our goals, but it's important to remember that we have the power to overcome these obstacles. By taking Massive Action, we can break t​hrough our fears, push past our excuses, and silence our critics to achieve success in all areas of our lives.

Be Great



10X Levels of Action

Are you ready to take your life to the next level? If so, this week here's your challenge:

1. Make a list of 25 people that could change your life I can be one of them - Click here to learn how to buy real estate without any of your own money!

Your network is your net worth. Make a list of 25 people who could have a positive impact on your life, whether it's personal or professional. This could include mentors, business partners, or even friends who inspire and motivate you. And of course, I hope to be on that list as well!

2. Break an hour into 15-minute chunks and see how many contacts you can make in that hour. Then, build this out to your entire day.

Time is your most valuable asset, and it's important to make the most of it. Challenge yourself to make as many meaningful contacts as possible in one hour by breaking it down into 15-minute chunks. Then, expand this challenge to your entire day and see how many connections you can make.

3. Write out the names of 5 people you need to spend LESS time with, the ones who don't add value

It's important to surround yourself with people who lift you up and add value to your life. Write out the names of five people who drain your energy or don't contribute to your personal growth. Make a conscious effort to spend less time with them and focus on building relationships with those who do add value.

4. Write out 5 non-productive things you need to eliminate

We all have habits or activities that don't serve us well. Identify five non-productive things in your life that you need to eliminate, whether it's scrolling mindlessly through social media or spending too much time watching TV. Eliminate them from your life and use that time for more productive activities.

5. Write out your goals DAILY

Writing down your goals every day is a powerful habit that can help you stay focused and motivated. Write out your 10X goals every day and keep them top of mind. This will help you take purposeful action towards achieving them and keep you on track towards extraordinary success.

I have confidence in you creating a next level life, do you have confidence in yourself?

Be Great



Next Level Life

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, once said, "High expectations are the key to everything." And he was right. If you want to create an extraordinary success in any area of your life, you must set high expectations for yourself.

What does it mean to be extraordinary? By definition, it means "very unusual or remarkable." And what about success? It means "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose," "the attainment of popularity or profit," or "a person who achieves desired aims or prosperity."

To create an extraordinary success, you first need to identify what success means to you. It's important to define success in various areas of your life, such as family, business, physical health, spiritual, financial, communal, and recreational. Set your targets for each area and create a plan to achieve them.

One of the keys to success is to have a strong vision and purpose. Ask yourself, what is your why? Why do you want to achieve these goals? What is the bigger picture? Having a clear purpose will give you the motivation and drive to overcome any obstacles and challenges you may face along the way. Another important factor in creating an extraordinary success is to have a positive mindset. You must believe in yourself and your abilities to achieve your goals. Eliminate any self-doubt, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support your goals.

Taking massive action is also essential to creating an extraordinary success. This means consistently taking steps towards your goals, no matter how small they may be. Even the smallest actions can add up and create big results over time. It's important to always be learning and growing. Continuously seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences that will help you achieve your goals. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things.

This week, I challenge you to identify what success means to you in each area of your life.

Family - Business - Health - Spiritual - Financial- Communal - Recreational

Set high expectations for yourself and create a plan to achieve your goals. Remember, extraordinary success is within your reach if you are willing to put in the effort and take massive action towards your goals.

Be Great



Extra Ordinary Success

Investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your personal and professional growth. It means taking the time and effort to improve yourself, your mindset, and your physical health. When you invest in yourself, you are making a commitment to your future success, happiness, and well-being.

Your mind is one of your greatest assets. By investing in your mental health and mindset, you can achieve greater success, fulfillment, and happiness in all areas of your life. This can involve reading books, attending seminars, hiring a coach or mentor, or simply taking the time to reflect and meditate.

Physical health is another important aspect of investing in yourself. Your body is your vehicle for life, and without it, you cannot achieve your goals and dreams. Taking care of your physical health through exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care not only improves your physical appearance but also enhances your mental and emotional well-being.

Investing in yourself can have a profound impact on your life. It can lead to greater confidence, increased productivity, and better relationships with others. When you invest in yourself, you are also setting an example for others to do the same.

Here are some tips on how to invest in yourself:

Set goals: Write down your personal and professional goals and create a plan to achieve them.

Learn new skills: Attend workshops, seminars, or take online courses to develop new skills and knowledge.

Surround yourself with positive influences: Seek out people who inspire and motivate you to be your best self.

Take care of your physical health: Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep.

Prioritize self-care: Take time for yourself to relax, meditate, or do something that brings you joy.

Remember, investing in yourself is not a one-time event. It is a lifelong commitment to growth and improvement. By investing in yourself, you can achieve extraordinary success and create a 10X life.

Be Great,



Invest in Yourself

Have you ever wondered why most people don't have a super extraordinary life filled with freedom and success? I'll break it down into five simple reasons.

Bad role models - Parents, teachers, peers, and the media often promote average as the safe haven. They encourage us to fit in, play it safe, and avoid taking risks. This mindset limits our potential and prevents us from achieving extraordinary success.

Wrong definitions of success - Many people have the wrong idea of what success really means. They believe that it's all about money, fame, or material possessions. But true success is about creating a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Wrong targets - People often set their sights too low, aiming for job security or just playing it safe. They settle for reasonable goals that don't challenge them or push them to be their best selves. This lack of ambition keeps them from achieving extraordinary success.

Education - Our assembly line education system often fails to teach us the skills we need to create a super extraordinary life. We're taught to conform, follow rules, and think inside the box. This limits our creativity and imagination, making it harder for us to break free from average thinking.

Lack of MONEY - Many people think that they need a lot of money to achieve a super extraordinary life. While money certainly helps, it's not the only factor. Success is about taking action, creating opportunities, and making the most of what you have.

You can overcome these obstacles and create a super extraordinary life. It starts with a mindset shift - a commitment to thinking bigger, taking risks, and pursuing your dreams. It's about surrounding yourself with positive role models, setting ambitious goals, and taking massive action towards achieving them.

Join me as I commit to creating a super extraordinary life of freedom and success. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Get started and make your dreams a reality.

Be Great,



Why doesn't everyone have EXTRAordinary success?

Creating a 10X life can be an incredible journey filled with growth, challenges, and rewards. It's essential to remember that this journey isn't a solo one. To create a Super Life, you need to be aligned with your spouse. When both partners are working towards the same goals, you can achieve greater success and happiness in life.

Here are five steps to create alignment with your spouse to create the super life you're looking for:

Share Your Vision

The first step is to share your vision with your spouse. Let them know what you want to achieve and why it's essential to you. Listen to their feedback, and take time to understand their perspective as well. This will help both of you create a shared vision that you can both work towards.

Define Your Priorities

Once you have a shared vision, it's important to define your priorities. This includes setting goals for your family, career, finances, and personal life. Make sure that your priorities align with your values and that they are attainable within your current lifestyle.

Create a Plan

Now that you have defined your priorities, create a plan together to achieve them. This includes breaking down your goals into actionable steps and setting timelines for completion. Discuss your roles and responsibilities, and make sure you're both committed to the plan.

Communicate Regularly

Regular communication is key to maintaining alignment with your spouse. Schedule weekly or monthly meetings to discuss your progress, celebrate your successes, and identify any obstacles. This will help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Support Each Other

It's essential to support each other throughout the journey. This means being there for each other when things get tough, encouraging each other to keep going, and celebrating each other's successes. Remember that you're a team, and you're working towards a shared goal.

Join me as I 10X my life, by creating abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Be Great,





Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

How to Begin with Any Budget P1

Real estate investing offers a wealth of opportunities for those looking to build long-term financial stability. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a massive fortune to dip your toes into this lucrative market. Whether you have $5,000 or as little as $500, real estate investment is within your reach. In this article, we'll explore the possibilities and discuss when the right time is to start your real estate investment journey.

Is $5,000 Enough to Invest in Real Estate? One of the most common questions beginners have is whether $5,000 is sufficient to begin investing in real estate. The answer is a resounding "yes." While it may not be enough for a down payment on a traditional property, there are several alternative avenues you can explore:

  1. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs allow you to invest in real estate without directly owning properties. By pooling funds with other investors, you gain access to professionally managed portfolios. REITs offer diversification and the potential for regular income through dividends.
  2. Crowdfunding Platforms: Online crowdfunding platforms enable you to invest in real estate projects alongside other investors. With as little as $5,000, you can contribute to a specific property or development. It's a great way to get started while minimizing risk.
  3. Joint Ventures or Partnerships: Look for experienced investors or like-minded individuals interested in pooling resources to purchase properties together. By leveraging combined funds and expertise, you can enter the real estate market and share the rewards and risks.

How to Start Investing in Real Estate with as Little as $500? Even if you have a modest budget of $500, there are options available to begin your real estate investment journey:

  1. Real Estate Investment Apps: Some investment platforms offer fractional investing, allowing you to buy fractional shares of properties for as little as $500. These apps provide access to a diversified portfolio and the potential for long-term returns.
  2. Real Estate Investment Clubs: Join local real estate investment clubs or online communities to network with other investors. Through these groups, you may find opportunities for small-scale investments or partnerships that align with your budget.
  3. Real Estate Wholesaling: Wholesaling involves finding deeply discounted properties and assigning the contract to another investor for a fee. While it requires time and effort to locate profitable deals, it can be a viable option for those with limited upfront capital

When Should You Start Investing in Real Estate? The best time to start investing in real estate is when you're financially prepared and have gained some knowledge about the market. Consider the following factors:

  1. Financial Stability: Ensure you have a solid emergency fund and minimal high-interest debt. Real estate investments require long-term commitment, so having a stable financial foundation is crucial.
  2. Market Research: Study the local real estate market and identify trends. Look for areas with growth potential, low vacancy rates, and strong rental demand. Understanding market dynamics helps you make informed investment decisions.
  3. Education and Networking: Educate yourself about real estate investing through books, podcasts, courses, and seminars. Connect with experienced investors and professionals who can provide guidance and mentorship.
  4. Set Clear Goals: Determine your investment objectives, whether it's generating passive income through rental properties, flipping houses for short-term gains, or building a diverse real estate portfolio. Having clear goals will guide your investment strategy.

Real estate investing is an attainable goal regardless of your budget. Whether you have $5,000 or as little as $500, there are various paths you can explore to begin your journey. By leveraging alternative investment options, networking, and conducting thorough research, you can lay the foundation for a successful real estate investment portfolio. Remember, the key is to start when you're financially prepared and armed with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.

Please note that this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with professionals before making any investment decisions.

Be Great,



Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

How to Begin with Any Budget P2

The middle class is a significant segment of society, characterized by hard work and aspirations for a comfortable life. However, many individuals in the middle class find themselves stuck in a cycle of limited wealth accumulation and a poor mindset when it comes to finances. In this article, we'll explore why this happens and present actionable strategies for breaking free from the middle-class trap.

The Pitfalls of Debt for Non-Income Generating Liabilities:

One common mistake that keeps the middle class from building wealth is going into debt for liabilities that don't generate income. These can include excessive credit card spending, car loans, or overspending on lavish possessions. While these liabilities may provide temporary satisfaction, they drain financial resources and hinder long-term wealth creation.

The Importance of Income-Producing Assets:

To overcome the middle-class mindset and build wealth, it's crucial to shift the focus towards income-producing assets. Instead of solely saving to purchase liabilities, redirect financial resources towards investments that generate ongoing income. This can include real estate properties, dividend-paying stocks, or starting a profitable business. By actively seeking out income-generating assets, individuals can create sustainable sources of wealth.

Escaping the Middle-Class Trap:

Moving up from the middle class requires a combination of mindset shifts and strategic actions. Here are some key steps to take:

a. Embrace a growth mindset: Believe in your ability to improve your financial situation and actively seek opportunities for growth and learning.

b. Invest in education and skills: Continuously upgrade your knowledge and skills to enhance your earning potential in the job market or entrepreneurial endeavors.

c. Prioritize savings and financial discipline: Develop a habit of saving a portion of your income and create an emergency fund to protect against unexpected expenses.

d. Network and seek mentors: Surround yourself with successful individuals who can provide guidance, inspiration, and valuable connections to advance your financial journey.

Breaking free from the middle-class mindset and achieving financial freedom requires conscious choices and strategic actions. By avoiding excessive debt, focusing on income-generating assets, and actively seeking opportunities to increase income, individuals can begin their journey towards building lasting wealth. It's time to break free from the middle-class trap and create a brighter financial future for yourself and your family.

Be Great,



Breaking the Middle-Class Mindset: Unlocking Financial Freedom through Smart Choices